Organizational Resilience: How Learning Sustains Organizations in Crisis, Disaster, and Breakdowns

D. Christopher Kayes’ book “Organizational Resilience: How Learning Sustains Organizations in Crisis, Disaster, and Breakdowns” deals with organizational failure and organizational learning. This highly critical review from Karl E. Weick states that title and subtitle of Organizational Resilience should have been reversed, and that readers may ask themselves whether we even need the concept of resilience if concepts of learning and adaptation seem sufficient. Further details can be found here



Das Academy of Management Journal ist eine der führenden und einflussreichsten Fachzeitschriften im Forschungsfeld International Business. Ein Special Editor’s Note in der aktuellen Ausgabe unter dem Titel MANAGING RISK AND RESILIENCE weist zahlreiche Schnittstellen zu den Projekten des ForChange Forschungsverbundes auf und beleuchtet Resilienz aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven.

AMJ_Managing Risk and Resilience


Niederlagen machen Weltmeister

Warum die DFB-Elf 2010 verlieren musste

Niederlagen haben auch ihre guten Seiten. Wir Menschen speichern sie als wertvolle Erfahrungen in unserem emotionalen Gedächtnis ab und nehmen sie zum Anlass die Wege zu unseren persönlichen Zielen neu zu definieren. Was das mit dem WM-Titel zu tun hat.


Special issue IJHRM – Call for papers

Cooper, C.L._Liu, Y._Tarba, S.Y. – Resilience, HRM practices and impact on organizational performance and employee well-being

Embracing resilience as ‘an idea whose time has come’, The International Journal of Human Resource Management announces a Special issue that aims to bring togehtercutting edge research that addresses the role of resilience and HRM practices in enhancing organizational performance and employee well-being in today’s rapid changing workplace environment, focusing on its origins, manifestations and consequences.

Please find the call for papers attached.