Das Academy of Management Journal ist eine der führenden und einflussreichsten Fachzeitschriften im Forschungsfeld International Business. Ein Special Editor’s Note in der aktuellen Ausgabe unter dem Titel MANAGING RISK AND RESILIENCE weist zahlreiche Schnittstellen zu den Projekten des ForChange Forschungsverbundes auf und beleuchtet Resilienz aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven.

AMJ_Managing Risk and Resilience


First and Second Order Resilience against Stress at the Workplace

This working paper deals with the concept of resilience against stress at the workplace with a special emphasis on drawing out the distinctions and relationship between first and second order resilience. Today`s business environment is characterized by intense competition and constant change. Consequently, organizations, teams and employees have to deal with the permanent requirement to adapt to these changes.In this setting, personal resilience becomes an essential concept to understand and investigate how to enable actors to respond to those challenges. To advance our understanding of personal resilience at the workplace, the ForChange projects “Strategies against work-related stress” and “Resilience in Teams” developed a workshop in which, together with ergonomics researchers and practitioners, the core elements of personal resilience in workplace contexts were discussed.

Blum, Carolin, Silja Hartmann, Jörn Hurtienne & Matthias Weiss (2015). First and Second Order Resilience against Stress at the Workplace. Results of a workshop at the NES/ODAM conference 2014. ForChange Working Paper 3.